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[R]evolution :
Re-imagining the Art Library
July 12-14, 2017 | Dublin, Ireland

Art libraries, and libraries in general, are in the midst of significant disruption. The need for change is accepted in this 21st century landscape. But do we evolve, that is slowly make the necessary changes; or do we revolt against prevailing practices, in favour of a new system? If we accept the need for change how do we go about it? How do we justify our worth, how do we house our collections and deliver our services; and how do we leverage new technologies, build partnerships and collaborations in a way that works for both our users and our collections? In some ways the new directions we need to take are obvious but in others ways the direction is not so clear.
[R]evolution: Re-imagining the Art Library will explore these questions and give a picture of the challenges affecting art libraries and explore what art librarians need to do to respond the changing landscape. The aim is to discuss where art libraries need to go and agree the direction on how to get there.
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