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Call for Contributions to the Programme

Art libraries, and libraries in general, are in the midst of significant disruption. This year’s conference entitled [R]evolution: Re-imagining the Art Library will explore the questions and challenges affecting art libraries today and examine what exactly art information professionals need to do to respond to this rapidly changing environment.

(I) We invite lecture proposals, expert opinion, case studies, discussion papers, on the themes outlined above for 30 minute presentations and are particularly interested, but not limited to, the following areas:

  • The economic and cultural value of art libraries: cost benefit analysis of art libraries – have you done one? How do art libraries contribute to research? Why do we need the art library? How do we impact the economy, the creative industries, academic life?

  • New perspectives and developments in the physical space: New art libraries, new ways of using your space, refurbishment projects, disaster management in library spaces, library design in a digital world, preservation and storage advances, user needs and library planning.

  • The changing role of the art information professional: the art librarian of the past versus the 21st century information professional, new skills required: marketing, communication skills, digital humanities, exhibitions planning and curatorship, budgets and fundraising, teaching and lecturing, collaboration and relationship management.

Proposals must contain:

  • Title of the paper

  • Author(s) of the paper

  • Paper abstract (500 words maximum)

  • Speaker’s name, professional affiliation, postal address, and email address

  • Biographical note on the speaker (100 words maximum)


These are quick 10 minute talks consisting of no more than 10 slides, followed by a moderated discussion and question and answer session involving the audience and panel of speakers.

We want to know more about innovative projects you are working on. We are particularly interested in, but not limited to, the following subjects:

  • New digital projects/Digital humanities projects

  • New collections

  • Preservation and conservation

  • User education and training

  • Advocacy and outreach

  • Visual literacy projects

  • Promoting and marketing your library

  • Collaborations

  • Collections and Access

  • Diversity and Inclusion

  • Technology and Innovation

Please provide author information, a title, and an abstract (300 words or less).


We invite one-page proposals for posters that showcase current work.

Please provide author information, a title, and an abstract (300 words or less).


All Proposals must be submitted by email to Andrea Lydon, Head of Library & Archive, National Gallery of Ireland. No later than 24 February 2017.

Please state clearly which element of the conference you are submitting to – 30 minute presentations, Lightening talks or Poster session. The e-mail subject line must read “ARLIS UK & Ireland Conference 2017”.

Submissions will be reviewed by the ARLIS 2017 conference working party and invitations to speakers and participants will be issued no later than 10 March 2017

Please note: All expenses, including registration for the conference, travel, accommodations, etc., are the responsibility of the authors/presenters.

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